Navigating Complexities in Youth Experiencing Suicidality
Project Echo Series

Event Description:
Youth with complex suicide prevention needs often seek services outside of the mental health system, but many providers report not having the skills or confidence to manage these complex cases. As a result, today’s youth may not be receiving the care they need. This ECHO series expands Partners for Children’s Mental Health’s (PCMH) first ECHO series, Pediatric Suicide Prevention: A Practical Care Pathway for Primary Care (nota prerequisite), by addressing barriers identified by providers that often arise when delivering care to suicidal youth. This advanced series builds off the Zero Suicide care pathway by educating participants about navigating family systems, using skills to manage acute emotional distress and supporting families with mental health resources.
CME for this series has been applied for and is pending approval. ECHOparticipants typically earn one credit per session attended. You will beemailed a survey link at the end of this ECHO. Please be sure to complete thissurvey, which should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Surveys must be completedby the indicated deadline in order to receive CE credit. CE credit will not begiven for late survey submissions.